Letter from the Editor: Feeling Grateful

Thanksgiving is a cherished holiday in America, a time to show appreciation for loved ones and reflect on life’s blessings. As part of the editorial group at Medical News Today, I participated in a comprehensive mental well-being workshop earlier this year. One key lesson I took from this is the significance of expressing gratitude. The course emphasized not overlooking the positives in life, regardless of any negative occurrences — from occupational stress and relationship issues to health concerns. Research indicates that cultivating an attitude of gratitude can potentially minimize stress and depressive symptoms.

During tough times, it’s often challenging to adopt a positive outlook. Something I find helpful is maintaining a gratitude diary, an idea I picked up during the workshop. Each day, I jot down a positive occurrence that I’m thankful for. These are usually simple events, like a colleague bringing me a warm beverage or an enjoyable conversation with a friend, but they serve as reminders that even in difficult periods, there are aspects to be grateful for.

I’m consistently thankful for the remarkable, intrigued, and empathetic individuals I’m privileged to work with daily at MNT. On behalf of the entire team, we express our gratitude to you, our readers, for your engagement with our content on our site. Regarding our content, we noticed your curiosity regarding the articles on stretches and exercises for external hip rotation, and explanation of blood pressure ranges. The article on fissured tongue gained popularity, and so did the one on home solutions for obstructive sleep apnea.

You were also fascinated by our news coverage on a study suggesting that vitamin D and omega-3 supplements don’t prevent inflammation, and you showed interest in our report on twin studies exploring the effect of reduced blood pressure targets. My personal favorite this month is our Spotlight feature delving into the antibiotic resistance crisis, an issue that poses a massive threat to global health currently. I encourage you to give it a read if you haven’t already.

I’m eager to share more updates next month, possibly from the much-awaited annual MNT winter party — an occasion that I deeply appreciate! Until then, wishing you a serene and healthful December!

Honor Whiteman, Managing Editor